The master plan of Ulaanbaatar engineering preparatory services developed and approved it.
On order of Ministry of Construction and Urban Development and the Office of the Governor of the Capital City "Prestige Engineering" LLC and "Hydrodesign Project" LLC jointly was developed "Master Plan of Urban Engineering Preparation Services" with team of about 70 engineers and consultants.
Within this master plan planned to be implemented by 4 stages 3 packages of services with funding a total of 5.2 trillion MNT such as flood protection, construction of rainwater and ground water level reduction networks, land management and relocation until 2040 in the territory of 9 districts of the capital, satellite cities, villages and summer camps.
It is also planned to build reservoirs in the Tuul, Selbe, and Uliastai rivers near Ulaanbaatar. This is important in many ways, such as will prevent flooding of residential areas by adjusting the flow, support the flow of the river during low rainfall, and create energy, water supply and creation of a tourist zone.